Riding Safety is a recognized MSF training site for Louisiana & Texas
AM Class & PM Class begins with an eCourse prior to class (classroom starts Friday at 5:30PM-7:30 PM)
On the Riding Range THERE ARE TWO CLASSES on most weekends {Range day starts at 7:00 AM(depending on sunrise) and end about 4:00PM}
(Classroom: meet us on Friday at 5:30 PM until 7:30PM )
BRC (Basic Rider Course)
We provide the motorcycle, helmet, and safe riding environment. All that’s needed is you and a desire to learn to ride safely.
3 Wheel BRC
Interested in riding on three wheel — RidingSafety has a trike for you to rider! Enjoy motorcycling on three wheels.
ARC (Advanced Riders)
Experienced riders ride your own bike — honing your skills, gaining confidence, and learning today what you wish you knew yesterday.
January 10, 11, 12; February 7, 8, 9
March 7, 8, 9; April 4, 5, 6
May 2, 3, 4; June 6, 7,8
July 11, 12, 13; August 8, 9, 10
September 5, 6, 7; October 3, 4, 5
November 21, 22, 23; December 5, 6, 7
March 15 & 16,2025
Louisiana State Fair Grounds Basic Riders CourseAirline High School Advanced Riders Course & 3 Wheeler Class
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